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Media &Politics SpinMeister on 31 Aug 2006 02:47 pm

IBD’s War and Fear Mongering

Investor's Business Daily political cartoon

You have to figure that Investor’s Business Daily newspaper is solidly investing in war profiteering the way they throw around war talk so lightly. This is an editorial page that defends the links between Saddam and 9-11 more vociferously than Rumsfeld, Bush and Cheney combined.

Today’s editorial page featured a cartoon of dropping a large bomb on Iran instead of debate or dialog. An article about the recent Fremont to San Francisco hit and run loony Afghan driver, branded him as a terrorist and scolded the media in general for softness on terrorists.

As a local to Fremont and the Bay Area, I’ve seen the local news coverage, and this man apparently has a history of mental delusional problems. There are theories that he had a method in his madness, but this is painting with a very broad brush to label this lone nut job as a terrorist. Fremont has a huge population of Middle Eastern and Asian origins, and implied in the IBD editorial is that if a crazy guy is from Afghanistan, then he surely must be a terrorist.

That is the news the way IBD wants to see it. Blindly. My attempts to respond to their editorials have been blocked by their web site, after they determined I did not often agree. Oops! I forgot, no tolerance for debate.


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