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General &Media &Politics SpinMeister on 20 Mar 2005 11:09 am

Fear and Envy in Blogland

Steven Levy’s recent Newsweek article covering a Harvard conference on blogs points out a quote attributed to Keith Jenkins. Jenkins wrote, “My fear is that the overwhelmingly white and male American blogosphere… will return us to a day where the dialogue about issues was a predominantly white-only one.” Additonal fears were expressed by female bloggers. I suppose Harvard will always be the target of these kind of slings, until there is no longer is a Harvard.

I am relatively new to blogging, and not a big media player, so I do not share Jenkin’s concerns. My own first discovery in exploring blogging was Beccary, which turns out to be a wonderful young Asian woman’s web site. I enjoy her work and what she communicates, period. Nothing to do with race or gender.

Dragging race and gender preference into blogging stinks of professional paranoia and the claims of ownership that are the lifeblood of professional organizations and associations. Jenkins is a professional photojournalist. In a world where everyone is a photographer and more and more are bloggers, most likely defending territory is part of his survival story.


One Response to “Fear and Envy in Blogland”

  1. on 21 Mar 2005 at 4:46 pm 1.hennis said …

    Greater Boston Beat the Press
    is a public TV show in which media pros talk about their business.

    They are in a big hurry to discredit on bloggers and make it crystal clear to all that bloggers are not qualified sources of news.

    The professional journalists engage in news fraud routinely by presenting Bush’s illegal fake news propaganda as journalism.