Website Design Case Histories
Created wireframes of the entire user workflow for a new job seeker social network website.
Designed critical user experience and visual components as a guide for the software development of new website. This profile page is one of many unique user interface solutions. Alpha website. | is an upgraded website from the original, previously installed on a telephone directory template site. Website design for Diegos Painting Service uses web standard CSS layouts and features an extensive JavaScript photo gallery of the painters work. |

A pedatrician and medical device inventor asked me to create a secure website, accessible only through a password login.
The Preventiv website was developed in Flash and ActionScript3 and contains Flash Video. |

The Dearly Departed Tours website needed a quick facelift from a basic, one-column, centered, 1990's design.
Done quickly and at a low cost, a uniform layout, look and feel was implemented, just in time for the client's busy summer tourism season. |

An Internet marketing entrepreneur requested a site be quickly put online. Add a singing Flash animated porpoise, and you've got something to Tweet about!
The one-sanfrancisco and ONE-US web sites proved successful in getting the attention of the clients the entrepreneur was looking to reach. |

My assignment was to design Ring Central's Affiliate web site. Working with a copyeditor, I designed the visual layout and and user interface of the site.
We collaborated to create a simple and clean look, giving new users space to digest important written information. | is a Flash Papervision3D website focusing on my biomedical illustration and animation. It was simpler and more fun to create an entirely new website, than to try and clean up the sprawling website. | is a WordPress blog designed to archive A. H. Grebe Radio materials of interest to antique radio collectors, ham radio operators, and radio historians. Based on a modified WordPress CSS theme, redesigned to reflect a 1920's art deco look. |

The Media Spin website, where you are now. Media Spin has been online since 1996, and has been webhosted by bluehost for over 5 years.
We set up most new client websites on bluehost. |

Media Spin started its WordPress Blog, Thoughtful Preparations, in January 2005. We continue writing about projects, technological breakthroughs and pop culture, and are occasionally discovered by the likes Michael Arrington, Editor of TechCrunch. |
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