Category ArchivePolitics
Politics SpinMeister on 04 Apr 2006
DeLay Bends Over
This creep didn’t just step down, he wimpered, fell to his knees, bent over and is crawling away from Congress into a spider hole of darkness. Expect the Tom zombie to resurface in D.C. as a K Street lobbyist where the blood sucker’s pockets will be lined with fresh cash from unwitting Sunday morning collection plates.
Last week Andy Card, this week DeLay, next week Rumsfeld? We can only hope.
Media &Movie TV DVD Review &Politics SpinMeister on 03 Mar 2006
Video 116: Documentary Turns 911 Upside Down
Loose Change 2nd Edition is a hard hitting, provocative 9/11 documentary that can be viewed at Google Video. The observations in the documentary are highly disturbing, which many Americans would prefer not to believe: that the 9/11 was a staged event by our own government to create a Pearl Harbor II as a pretext for Middle Eastern wars, political power grabs, gold, insider stock profits and insurance money.
The documentary covers these 9/11 mysteries:
- a missile-like hole in the Pentagon and lack of aircraft debris.
- black box flight recorders not retrieved.
- lack of aircraft debris or bodies found at Pennsylvania “crash” site.
- explosion evidence at base of twin towers, far from aircraft initial impact.
- evidence of controlled demolition explosions at WTC buildings 1, 2 and 7.
- inability of cell phones on aircraft to contact phones on ground.
The stomach turning implications, if proven out, would of course be the horror story of the century. The documentary suggests that there are clues that could be tracked down, such as accused hijackers may still be alive, aircraft victims may still be alive, because planes were switched, and the list of deep, dark secrets goes on and on. Could so many innocent people be sacrificed for such a ruse? Could so many Americans be fooled? Who knows?
Online resources such as have collected theories and evidence.
Update:Â New York Magazine’s article, The Ground Zero Grassy Knoll.
American History &Book Review &Politics SpinMeister on 27 Feb 2006
The Trial and Error Presidency
Conservative columnist William F. Buckley recently wrote It Didn’t Work in which he states, “One can’t doubt that the American objective in Iraq has failed.”
This implies the overall theme of the past 6 years of the Bush Presidency: he is learning on the job and we are paying for his education. This administration ignores scholarly research and planning, basing policy upon envisioned hopes, croney theories, and faith. More dangerous is their negligence and reluctance to admit mistakes until too late.
Another conservative voice echoing this sentiment is Bruce Bartlett. Mr. Bartlett served in the Reagan administration in the Office of Policy Development and in George H.W. Bush’s Treasury Department as deputy assistant secretary for economic policy. The title of Bruce’s new book, Impostor : How George W. Bush Bankrupted America and Betrayed the Reagan Legacyto speaks volumes.
On recent radio interviews Mr. Bartlett has compared President Bush’s style to Richard Nixon’s, with the obsessive secrecy that often accompanies corruption, and the avoidance of accountability. Former White House counsel to Richard M. Nixon, John Dean, has also makes a similar case in his book, Worse Than Watergate: The Secret Presidency of George W. Bush.
Internet &Politics SpinMeister on 15 Feb 2006
Brrreeeport Calling
Joining in Robert Scoble’s blog search test getting volunteering bloggers to post the word brrreeeport and see how various blog search engines perform.
Another top blog word is Cheney, because of his tempest in a teakettle hunting mishap. We all know Cheney is tight lipped and private, so this is pretty much a non-story. Bush is probably glad it deflects from the bigger NSA eavesdropping story. Then there’s the distorted uproar over Al Gore apologizing to Saudi Arabians for racial profiling seems to have gotten typically blown out of proportion by the NASCAR heads. People will continue to believe what they want to believe, without doing their own research, so meanwhile let’s get back to what the science of search engines will pick up.
General &Politics &Spiritual SpinMeister on 29 Jan 2006
The silent truth of a tree is an antidote to the many voices babbling in the news space, the workplace, and any number of stresses in your face.
Imagine a few of the combating world leaders sitting in a circle beneath this tree, surrounded by the peace and tranquility of a fine day which the good earth so often provides. In the granduer of nature, they may humble themselves. We can only hope so.
An opinion piece in today’s S.F. Chronicle written by John Arquilla a professor of defense analysis at the U.S. Naval Postgraduate School in Monterey, CA, Why we should take Osama’s olive branch, is a hopeful reminder that peace is within reach. The professional military strategist and historian points out that all wars, hot or cold, eventually reach a point of sitting down and negotiating with the enemy, such as Bush has already done with Libya’s Khadafy, a long time terrorist supporter.
Humor &Media &Politics &Spiritual SpinMeister on 24 Jan 2006
Birth Of A Nation: One Mother’s Opinion
Media &Politics SpinMeister on 21 Jan 2006
Those Crazy TV News Guyz
The current maneuvering by CNN to outfox Fox News by hiring nationally syndicated conservative radio host Glenn Beck is an especially bad omen for messy cafeteria food fights to come between Fox and CNN. Here is an interesting blog keeping watch on CNN vs. FOX.
CNN Headline News categorizes Glenn Beck under “ENTERTAINMENT” in their Jan. 17, 2006 coverage of his hiring.
Beck’s hiring has fired up criticism from web-based media monitoring groups such as Media Matters for America in this Jan. 17, 2006 article.
Here is an audio clip of Glenn Beck on his recent notoriety and his opinion of Cindy Sheehan.
Television and radio are a far cry from the U.S. government’s Radio Act of 1927 which was a first attempt at establishing licensing regulations so that radio stations served the public interest. These days we are better off getting our news from the Internet, which is exactly what the new generation is doing, and is exactly why television and radio are resorting to serving up superficial commercial pap.
Politics SpinMeister on 19 Jan 2006
Bush’s Bandwidth
Something in White house Press Secretary Scott McClellan’s briefing today bothered me:
The President is fully committed to doing everything within his power to prevent attacks and defeat the terrorists.
Sounds terrific, but in the next breath, McClellan declares, “We do not negotiate with terrorists.” So, negotiating with the enemy is not within his power. What does doing everything mean? Doing everything means everything, not just things you feel like doing. A heroic leader does not have such limited bandwidth, he has inventive imagination and comes up with great solutions.