Following up on the Adobe-Macromedia story, today’s San Francisco Chronicle Business section On The Record: Bruce Chizen.

This is a lengthy interview, and Mr. Chizen lays many cards on out on the table, open and personable, while remaining firmly and discretely professional. Regarding any threat from Microsoft, Bruce describes a scheme in which mighty MS attempts to gain partnership with the IRS telling us to fill out tax forms with MS Office Professional. Chizen states, “the fact that PDF is embedded in society, we believe it’s really going to be hard for them to displace us.”

The interview turns kinky approaching the relationship with Apple…

Q: Being in a marriage with Apple means being in a marriage with Steve Jobs. What’s your relationship with him like?

A: I have a very good relationship with Steve. It’s very open and very direct. There have been Saturdays and Sundays where we’ve had very active conversations about a variety of topics.

Q: Physically active?

A: No, no, no — verbally active. He’s brilliant.
