Media &Politics SpinMeister on 31 Aug 2005 08:19 pm
Incredibly Hulking Credibility Gap
Back in the Vietnam era a phrase was coined, and surprisingly it has not come back, or achieved traction again, yet: credibility gap. Harry Shearer was in a radio satire group of that name, and his web site advertises an old anti-Clinton book “It’s the Stupidity, Stupid.” I guess for a pro comic, any President is fair game and I gotta admit, running up these tax break and foreign war deficits requires real men of genius, Mr. 43rd President of the Crude Oil Age!
Some may ask… Is Iraq Vietnam on crack?
For those dumbasses who did vote for Bush, they must be scratching their sorry asses wondering, “How come gas is so high? I thought we were ‘sposed to take over Iraq and get their oil!” Well, there’s a credibility gap for ya, buddy.
There are plenty of more complex gaps for those who do their homework, such as the bait and switch of al Qaeda for Saddam, the phony Niger yellow cake document accompanied by the smoking gun mushroom cloud scare, the missing WMDs, the neglect for wartime planning protocols, the hiring of contractors to sidestep Geneva Convention laws… it goes on and on. People have been asleep at the wheel and they need the sobering slap of hurricane Katrina to wake themselves up. Here’s Condi Rice’s credibility gaps.
When I lived in Jacksonville, FL the regular guy on the street, or golf course, did not see much difference between Osama and Saddam. “They’re both a couple of camel jockeys, what’s the difference?” they’d say using their charming down home Southern comfort logic.
As resources, lives and patience wears thin here in the U.S.A. homeland, ask youselves, “Is this president credible or just an unbelievably incredible Hulk cartoon?” How much are you gonna take?
on 21 Sep 2005 at 9:40 pm 1.ethan ford said …
you have a very talented and skilled writting. i had a great time reading your comments. i finished the 6th ball: , amazing 3d effect