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General &Politics SpinMeister on 11 Feb 2005 09:56 pm

Death of a Wise Man

Arthur Miller
Arthur Miller taught me dancing, oh wait a minute… that’s Murray, Miller taught me the human social drama. This is serious, since the great writer died today, but he lived well and loved well, Marilyn Monroe. Worth a heartbreak.

My thought for the day in conjunction with Miller’s Crossing, comes from a venomous e-mail that was forwarded to me via a right leaning relative, spewing the same old rubbish about elites and liberal media. Let’s face it, we can’t argue with them nucular folk. The thought is, do these hateful right wingers look upon an American creative treasure such as Arthur Miller as an elitist? As a liberal mediatician? As a Commie? If so, we really are regressing, and so sorry Artie, you wasted your efforts on them. R.I.P. It has not been the first time.


One Response to “Death of a Wise Man”

  1. on 12 Feb 2005 at 6:20 am 1.patrick said …

    yeah, r.i.p. arthur miller.