Here’s a craigslist story for you.
Recently placing ads for synthesizer composers and videoblog mates turned up about 10 times more musicians than video journalists. A very diverse and well developed group, the musicians are clearly a traditionally itinerant profession, whereas the videoblog journalist is currently an emerging identity.
One of the more interesting synth respondents was the Punjabi Rapper, Bohemia. Raja aka Bohemia invited me to a photoshoot for his upcoming recording, so I followed up on it. What occurred was a fun filled day where I shot about 80 minutes of video. And somehow I get the feeling this is only the beginning.
The photo shoot by Bay Area photograher Jonathan Marks went down at a 3 Million plus house in Ruby Hill and just to make things a bit more lively, a Lamborghini, a Ferrari and four gorgeous model babes made the scene. What would a photo shoot be without all that?
We shot an number of video sequences that are in editorial process now. This is the second hip hop movement my video lens has been turned on to within a short time. Very well, it is a lively relationship happening very much now in the moment.
Update… see my new Tubular TV video of the wild and crazy hip hop party scene in Sunnyvale, CA where Bohemia was the headliner attraction.