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Media SpinMeister on 27 Jan 2007

Tubular TV Premieres

Tubular TV's Premiere Videoblog Show #1This is the first full show we’ve put together for my new videoblog, Tubular TV. Our premiere program features Katie introducing the big breakthrough online video Mac Beautiful by Happy Slip, followed by the shockingly “Dumb Man On The Street” interview questionnaire by CNNN the Chaser Non-stop News Network. A number of studio lighting techniques will be explored over time to achieve better green screen results. That’s why people do these things, to learn! Editing in Final Cut brought everything together nicely. Opening music composed and produced by Joseph Hornof of Earcom.


Music SpinMeister on 20 Jan 2007

Adventures in the Hip Hop Trade

Bohemia Punjabi Rapper Photo shoot
Here’s a craigslist story for you.

Recently placing ads for synthesizer composers and videoblog mates turned up about 10 times more musicians than video journalists. A very diverse and well developed group, the musicians are clearly a traditionally itinerant profession, whereas the videoblog journalist is currently an emerging identity.

One of the more interesting synth respondents was the Punjabi Rapper, Bohemia. Raja aka Bohemia invited me to a photoshoot for his upcoming recording, so I followed up on it. What occurred was a fun filled day where I shot about 80 minutes of video. And somehow I get the feeling this is only the beginning.

Bohemia in Lamborghini

The photo shoot by Bay Area photograher Jonathan Marks went down at a 3 Million plus house in Ruby Hill and just to make things a bit more lively, a Lamborghini, a Ferrari and four gorgeous model babes made the scene. What would a photo shoot be without all that?

Bohemia and Punk Revolution Babes

We shot an number of video sequences that are in editorial process now. This is the second hip hop movement my video lens has been turned on to within a short time. Very well, it is a lively relationship happening very much now in the moment.

Bohemia and the Four Babes of the Apocalypse

Update… see my new Tubular TV video of  the wild and crazy hip hop party scene in Sunnyvale, CA where Bohemia was the headliner attraction.


Media SpinMeister on 16 Jan 2007

This Land is Your Land, Candyland or Wasteland?

The National Conference for Media Reform“Those who control what stories we hear can help determine our politics and culture. Promoting a commercial culture is the most important story that General Electric, Disney, Viacom, and many others want us to constantly hear.”
– from Digital Destiny by Jeff Chester.

If your reality is a sweet world of American Idols, bimbo catfights, ultra-violence and big media slogans then you may be a zombie slave to the boss man owners of the Big Media Plantation.

The recent National Conference for Media Reform was held in Memphis, Tennessee where among others, Bill Moyers made a stirring speech for every one of us to defend a free press. Links below provide the details.


Humor &User Interface SpinMeister on 10 Jan 2007

“Stupid Tea” and Other Delights

“Stupid Tea” Originally uploaded by brappy!.

Tony Hicks writes And Another Thing a very funny column in the Contra Costa Times. His recent article, “Humor not lost in translation” about preparations for the 2008 Olympics in Bejing points out a number of humorous errors in translation from Chinese to English, such as a park celebrating diversity named, “Racist Park.”

Hicks goes on to explore the phenomenon known as “Chinglish”and provides a few helpful links. The link to Flickr’s Chinglish section devoted to photos of awkwardly worded Chinese signs and labels is very good.

Originally uploaded by Danburg Murmur.

whoa, pt 2
Originally uploaded by brappy!.


Politics SpinMeister on 07 Jan 2007

Escalate This?

Lafayette, CA Iraq War Memorial

Why escalate the American troop levels, death and injury count in Iraq? We certainly do not wish to add more crosses to these pictures of the Lafayette, CA memorial to the U.S. troop fallen in Iraq. See the blog Eschew Obfuscation for more detailed coverage of the Crosses of Lafayette.

The Contra Costa Times covers soldiers’ moms involvement with the memorial site.
Lafayette, CA Iraq War Memorial


Humor &Music SpinMeister on 05 Jan 2007

Waking Up In Suburbia

Jesus H Christ CD coverDo you need a suburban morning wake up call? Go to this web site and listen to these edgy, nasty power pop songs by Jesus H Christ and the Four Hornsmen of the Apocalypse. It will restore your attitude where The B-52’s and R.E.M. left off awhile ago. The girl singer Risa Mickenberg sings naughty things that make me smile. These characters have surpassed They Might Be Giants as a well co-ordinated nut job band with horns in my musicologic mindscape.


Internet &Spiritual SpinMeister on 04 Jan 2007

Tibetan Personality Test

Dalai Lama MeditatingSomeone e-mailed me this Tibetan Personality Test. It’s kind of fun, kind of spooky. Not sure what to make of it. Was supposed to email it, but it is better to let people who want to try it to CLICK THIS.


American History &Book Review &Media SpinMeister on 02 Jan 2007

9/11 Graphic Novel

9/11 Report: Graphic AdapationTwo experienced veterans of Marvel and DC Comics, Sid Jacobson and Ernie Colon have produced a graphic adaptation of the 2005 9/11 Commission Report, The 9/11 Report: A Graphic Adaptation.

It appears to be a careful study, although not all agree on the controversial subject matter, for example the blog AboveTopSecret.com pokes fun at the graphic novel.

The Slate has the first chapter of the book online. More illustrations and reviews are on Amazon . There is an interview with the co-authors on NPR.

The two action superhero editors know a good story when they see one.


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