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Humor &Internet SpinMeister on 27 Dec 2006

Permutated Manatee

Horny Manatee image with O.J. Simpson

As a loyal Conan O’Brien fan who has even dragged his three younger brothers to a live Christmas holiday taping, I enjoy how far Conan can go out on a limb. Previously it was a look alike Finnish stateswoman, and now an accidental dot com, HornyManatee.com.

Paris and Britney in Manatee fashions

I will not go into how this came about. The results are an outpoouring of repressed manatee love and expression that perhaps only a manatee and the humanity of the Internet can provide.

Horny Manatee

If you feel hurt and wronged by this, then go to the alternative manatee web site, TammyFaye.com and you will surely be soothed.


Music &Personal SpinMeister on 25 Dec 2006

Remembering James Brown

James Brown memorial

The sudden passing of James Brown reminded me that I have an number of photographs I shot of him in a concert performance at the Madison (WI) Civic Center in April of 1981. So here are a few of the photos displayed in fond memory of a dynamic, energetic character.

James Brown - Hot Pants

His singing style was one that I could vocally imitate, and get friends laughing at my explosive delivery of the James Brown catch phrases, “Hot Pants!” “Popcorn” and of course a big “Huh!” from the diaphragm… or the gut for you rednecks.

James Brown - God Bless

James Brown in concert


Media SpinMeister on 22 Dec 2006

Have A Beautiful Death

Metinides photo

The photographs of Enrique Metinides are very serious business. Reminders of how sweet life is and to be careful with self important rushing around in your cars during the busy holiday season. Pause and take care!

Metinides car crash photo

As a photographer of accidents, disasters and tragedies, 70 year old Enrique Metinides has spent more than fifty years taking pictures of every tragedy imaginable in Mexico City.

His work documents a macabre history of the city and its deterioration from the relatively peaceful and naive capital of the fifties to the schizophrenic megalopolis of the 21st century.

Metinides Photography Book


Humor &Music SpinMeister on 18 Dec 2006

Have Yourself A Mashed Up Christmas!

Stoned SantaI love Christmas music, don’t you? God’s rested gentlemen, Comfort, Joy, JosieAnna in the highest, Chest hairs roasting on open fires and all that joyous stuff. Coping through Christmas. Right, gotcha. Click the stoned Santa to celebrate, but be forewarned, it’s not exactly Bing Crosby’s White Christmas. I highly recommend the Bah Humbug mix which includes Tiny Tim’s strange warning of Santa Claus Has Got The AIDS This Year.


Internet &Media SpinMeister on 09 Dec 2006

Zudeo’s Big Picture

If you have a great music video or animation demo reel, then you want it to look great when you upload it online for the world to see. DVD quality. Now you can do just that at the Zudeo.com High Definition Movie and Video community web site. Powered by the Azureus peer to peer platform the client app implements the BitTorrent protocol using Java language.

Video clips and animation that get compressed into oblivion by YouTube, appear clean as the original artists and producers intended them to be. The Zudeo system is set up to accomodate large files. You can upload a full length DVD quality movie if you like.

Azureus and Zudeo will be names to watch in the near term future as the excitement over online video, high quality downloadable content, and new player devices heats up.

Recent press release and Wired article about Azureus, HD Vids Trump YouTube.

If you are interested in submitting content to Zudeo’s web site, click here.


Media &Music &Technology SpinMeister on 30 Nov 2006

Escape To Las Vegas

The MGM Grand Las Vegas

Originally uploaded by Wolfgang Staudt.

In a few days I will be joining the famous video blogger Nick of schmult.com, the TechieDiva and rising TV presence Christianna M to cover the Billboard Music Awards for our newly launched Tubular TV vlog site. Nick seems to be equipped to video blog everything, so it might be a bit uncomfortable sharing a room with this dude. How far will he go to get more hits?

Britney Spears, help!


Media &Politics SpinMeister on 26 Nov 2006

Lafayette’s Sign Of The Times

Lafayette Iraq War Protest Memorial

Lafayette is a quiet enclave nestled in rolling hills east of Berkeley near Walnut Creek. It is relatively upscale with well educated residents with expensive homes and refined tastes.

About a month ago, my wife who uses the Lafayette BART station mentioned seeing many white crosses (over 400) and the death toll sign planted on a hillside across from the station. She veers from political discussions, and has had to brush off an upset commuter trying to share her displeasure with the memorial.

Next thing, a student in the Ohlone TV News class brought in a story about the controversy arising over the crosses and sign display, and mentioned it had been discussed on nationally syndicated conservative talk radio programs.

This morning I noticed a San Francisco Chronicle article about an upcoming City Council meeting where locals will express their feelings about this free speech issue.

So, I drove to Lafayette, about 5 miles from my home, and shot some video and photos of the hillside and around the train station. There was a local CBS radio reporter scouting for people to interview. Then a woman with a shovel came, climbed up the hill and began digging holes. The reporter told me that there would be more crosses arriving later in the day to go into the fresh holes. Some other people there confirmed that they had seen the story covered on CNN television news.

I’ll probably go there and shoot some more video, then edit it and upload them to a few of the online video web sites.

Wide shot of Lafayette hillside of crosses Iraq memorial

On my return trip in the afternoon, I met Bob Hanson, Co-chair of the Mount Diablo Peace Center of Walnut Creek. He explained their mission of peace and justice through this hillside installation, which is also described on their web site.

See the video. 


Media SpinMeister on 23 Nov 2006

Talking Painting Brice Marden

Chinese Dancing painting 1994 by Brice Marden

Follow the arc of a major painter’s life in a fascinating video interview with Charlie Rose. He currently has a major show at New York’s Museum of Modern Art.

Marden speaks lucidly of many things in this one hour interview such as looking at paintings, rules of design and structure, breaking the rules, and how an artist can never settle into a state of satisfaction with the work. This is some cool dude who paints the finest squiggly lines I’ve seen.


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