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Media &Spiritual SpinMeister on 17 Oct 2005

My Favorite Artist

Jimi Hendrix by Mati Klarwein
Hands down Mati Klarwein pushed my early painting efforts furthest. Take Gustav Klimt, Salvador Dali, James Rosenquist, throw them in a vat of peyote buttons and psilocybin, and you get Abdul Mati.

As a painter, looking at Klarwein’s work is intimidating, and I was never able to match the intense religious attention and power he devoted to his compositions. These are epic mindscapes that one must live with and merge into.

His incredible photo-realistic detail presaged the ease of use Photoshopping of collage imagery and computer graphic imagery. Klarwein is probably best known for the publishing of his paintings on album covers by Miles Davis, Santana and Jerry Garcia… but there is so much more than that!


General SpinMeister on 15 Oct 2005

Scent from Down Under

Google search for animated smelly bums

One of my idle forms of amusement is to check the stats on my web server, hosted by the excellent people at bluehost, to learn who is visiting the website, and then look at the referer: the incoming source. Someone from Australia visited this blog, specifically the Madagascar story, because they Googled the phrase “animated smelly bums.” LOL!

Media Spin’s Blog has the honor of Googling #1 on this topic! Sorry, butt my smelly bum animation is still on the back burner.

The Australians and New Zealanders I met while working at PDI/DreamWorks were some of my most favourite people, possessing outstanding wit, humor and well balanced life attitudes. One bloke regularly visited funny web sites such as The Daily Rotten. Perhaps this is a trend that competing 3D feature animation studios need take heed of… people are searching for animated smelly bums.


Media &Money &Politics SpinMeister on 13 Oct 2005

Doomsday Blues

Last Best Chance Click Here To Order The Free DVD of LASTBESTCHANCE

All the recent natural disasters, compounded with ongoing International terror strikes and American leadership errors, are giving me a bad case of the Doomsday Blues. Let’s face it, with rampant population and its resulting poverty, global warming and its resulting catastrophes, and WMDs and their resulting mass destruction, it seems like without a whole lot of peace, love and understanding… we’re fucked!

I’ve been writing about the blending of media and politics, and it seems as though some really wealthy, powerful guys are thinking, “Hey, we didn’t amass a big fortune just to have the world blow up in my face!” So, wouldn’t it be great if Bill Gates and Paul Allen used their massive wealth to steer America back on track by the next big election? OK, we should also add Bill Joy, Steve Jobs and their companies to pitch in to redesign a smarter, better Operating System for the USA.

Meanwhile, a group of philanthropic statesmen are really doing something. They’ve organized NTI, The Nuclear Threat Initiative and produced a docudrama Last Best Chance which imagines the results of al Qaeda operatives striking with nuclear weapons. It gives some hope that successful influential people are working on solving hard problems.


Media &Politics SpinMeister on 12 Oct 2005

The Warnings of Gore

Al Gore

Al Gore remarks on threats to American democracy and the marketplace of ideas at a conference at The Media Center at the American Press Institute.

Read or listen to the entire address. Here are a few quotes:

I thought maybe it was an aberration when three-quarters of Americans said they believed that Saddam Hussein was responsible for attacking us on September 11, 2001. But more than four years later, between a third and a half still believe Saddam was personally responsible for planning and supporting the attack.

Keep in mind, your thoughts and opinions matter. Just because an event is not on major television, does not mean it did not happen. It still is valid, it exists. If it is covered on television, most likely it is not news and information with clarity, but planned out entertainment, advertising and propaganda.


Media &Politics SpinMeister on 09 Oct 2005

The Gore Of War

The Gore Of War

The access to digital cameras and electronic publishing has produced a huge wave of amateur photographers posting on the web, including soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan. Abu Ghraib was just the tip of a bloody nasty iceberg.

Last week SF Chronicle columnist Neva Chonin published an article “Porn Wars, Part II”, pointing out a website and this backstory:

“For a year now, American soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan have been posting photographs of corpses — insurgent corpses, civilian corpses, unidentifiable piles of guts in various stages of mutilation — on the site in return for free access to its porn cache.”

Caution: this website is for mature adults with strong stomachs. The combat images are labelled “General” others “Gory.” The gory ones show the true horrors suffered by humanity as a result of the weapons of war and violence. A dose of this might shock some folks out of their abstract theorizing over the merits of fighting this foreign war.

These photographs should serve as a reminder of the consequences of armed combat. Look at the carnage before leaping into war. Incredibly, Vietnam was not enough of a history lesson to radical conservatives. They see the Vietnam era as “America’s Second Civil War,” and new war in Iraq will provide vindication. I’ll talk in simple Texan language, “Two wrongs don’t make a right.”


Media SpinMeister on 08 Oct 2005

Resolver + Brutality

Resolver + Brutality audio cassette Frank Zappa

If you are an electronic music fan like me, then you will appreciate this treat. Post Beatles Number Nine, Pre Nine Inch Nails, give a listen to 58 minutes of experimental Synclavier compositions by Frank Zappa during his Zappa Meets The Mothers Of Prevention period. Labelled Resolver + Brutality by FZ himself, this music is now online at the Kill Ugly Radio Site’s Friday Boot. A word of warning, the Friday Boot offering changes week to week, so Resolver + Brutality tracks may not be there after October 14. More info at afka.net.


Media &Politics SpinMeister on 22 Sep 2005

Media Circus: Mainstream Press Failure

Monica Lewinsky Osama bin Laden

Which one of the above had more impact on world affairs in 2000? Why did the media focus on Monica and ignore Osama until it was too late?

Mainstream media deserves a major share in the blame game for ignoring the developing global terrorism stories connecting the 1998 U.S. embassy bombings in Nairobi and Tanzania, and the U.S.S. Cole bombing leading up to the 9/11/2001 terrorism attacks on U.S. soil. Instead, the press chose to host a juicy media circus, pandering to lowest common denominator advertising ratings driven tastes and engaging in wag the dog games with national security. Most Americans had never heard of al Qaeda or Osama bin Laden until the days after 9/11.

To her credit Molly Ivins has written an exemplary article asking for a Media Accountability Day and providing attention to Project Censored. Their Top Ten Stories not covered by Corporate Media:

1. Bush Administration Moves to Eliminate Open Government
2. Media Coverage Fails on Iraq: Fallujah and the Civilian Deathtoll
3. Another Year of Distorted Election Coverage
4. Surveillance Society Quietly Moves In
5. U.S. Uses Tsunami to Military Advantage in Southeast Asia
6. The Real Oil for Food Scam
7. Journalists Face Unprecedented Dangers to Life and Livelihood
8. Iraqi Farmers Threatened By Bremer’s Mandates
9. Iran’s New Oil Trade System Challenges U.S. Currency
10. Mountaintop Removal Threatens Ecosystem and Economy

Yes, there are smart, studious people out there who do not appreciate being sold on repetitive simplistic sound bite themes, and then hood winked, having the wool pulled over their eyes, jerked around, blown off… you get the idea. Some of them are graduate students at top universities, such as Al Franken’s research team of 14 Harvard students who fact-checked statements made by the right wing media. Franken and his team dissects these loud mouthed phoneys, who broadcoast unaccountable idealogical opinions, sold as facts in, Lies And the Lying Liars Who Tell Them.
Al Franken's Lies And the Lying Liars Who Tell Them


Money &Politics SpinMeister on 22 Sep 2005

Solid Gold Reality Check

Gold Bars

A friend who watches precious metals carefully, e-mailed me some warnings about the U.S. economy, as reflected in the rising price of gold, not to mention black gold:

“That gold is above $450 for many days is significant. That was a level that the NY manipulating banks working with the Federal Reserve were able to hold for a long time. Anyone who thought that Greenspan would not raise rates when this major mechanism failed was knaive of hearts and mines.

The whole world is watching as the US flounders in muck like a banana republic, and its president talks about spending vast unexpected sums in addition to huge current debt like a drug addict digging into the home equity line.”

A similar sentiment is expressed at The Binary Circumstance, banner sub-titled, “Things either exist or they don’t”:

“The Bush administration and the Republican Congress do not raise taxes or veto any spending bills which means the only way to pay off the debt is for the government to counterfeit more money.

I think I can hear them starting up those printing presses now.

That means inflation.

Inflation is a hidden tax on wages, savings and the value of the U.S. currency which all decline in relation to hard assets like real estate and gold.”

Here is an interesting article about silver and metal prices by “the Optimist.” He predicts the price of silver will explode.

“For all those readers who have slept through the last week, the Optimist is excited to tell you that the price of gold has surged to $460, its highest price in almost two decades. Speaking of sleeping, however, the price of silver has been disappointingly dull compared to gold. Although everyone knows that silver will more than double from its current price of $7.20, and will eventually multiply by a factor with one or more zeros (i.e., 10, or 100, or 1,000, etc.), the key question everyone asks is when the explosion will happen.”

In a further reality check, the market analysis blog Rampant Speculations’ banner includes a great quote from sci-fi writer Philip K. Dick, “Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn’t go away.” His article warns,

“The strength in gold and the weakness in high yield bonds of late cannot be good news for the finance based US economy.”

That about sums it up. The only logic I can see behind our leadership in U.S. government is that they prefer fewer rich elite people to compete with.

For historic gold price information, see charts at the Gold Information Network.

The Gold Bug


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