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Humor SpinMeister on 19 Feb 2008

Gag Reaction

The shock and awe of it began while paging through the self-congratulatory pages of CREATIVITY magazine, the trade publication celebrating the exploits of today’s advertising movers and shakers. Forever looking to capitalize on how to grab people’s golden attention and sell stuff, CREATIVITY’s madmen and women take note of Brad Neely, the writer/director/animator of The Professor Brothers series of cartoons playing on SuperDeluxe.com, an adult humor website.

Super Deluxe is sure to push your limits of acceptable taste, if you have any left, for example take Disnutskin. Is it an age of enlightenment we live in or just an ever spreading cesspool? When you wrestle away from the noise, be sure to recenter back into your own song.


Media &Music SpinMeister on 09 Feb 2008

Grateful Dead Marathon

KPFA Grateful Dead Marathon Banner

The Annual KPFA Grateful Dead Marathon is scheduled for Saturday, February 9, 10am to 1am Pacific Time. Support KPFA by calling toll free: 1-800-439-5732 or 510 848-5732.

They will webcasting Grateful Dead music all day via kpfa.org, DeadNet, nugs.net, gdradio.net.

Many musical treats, of course, and a fine array of thank-you gifts including CDs, DVDs, books, and DeadNet Store gift cards. Mark your calendars and spread the word! Deadheads (and others) can call any time to volunteer to work in the phone room: 848-6767, x618. It’s a lot of fun, and the food is usually pretty good, too.

MediaSpin.com is a proud supporter of KPFA radio.

Check out our Grateful Dead concert photos!

Grateful Dead Concert banner


Internet &Money SpinMeister on 30 Jan 2008

What’s Wrong With Yahoo?

Apple LisaPerhaps Microsoft should buy Yahoo! They have something in common: they both try to do many things, and too many of them are second rate.

It’s the Quality vs. Quantity problem. Apple learned its lessons long ago when it came out with too many products either not ready for the market, or the market not ready for them, such as the Lisa (right) or the early PDA, the Newton. These items suffered from being ahead of their times. Yahoo!’s problems stem from scattering their energies in too many directions. Apple’s and Google’s successes stem from excelling with the one market they are competing in.

A few examples of Yahoo! missteps and bad design:

  1. Online Advertising: I’ve tried Yahoo!’s online ad program, Overture or Yahoo! Publisher Network, which they bought to compete with Google’s AdSense. The user interface for designing ads was not as thorough as Google’s, the diversity of the contextual ads presented on web pages was poor and often irrelevant to the context of the page, and the payout rate was not as good as Google’s. Eventually I deleted all my Yahoo! ads, using Google’s AdSense entirely. What does it tell you when one of Yahoo’s own writers, TechieDiva’s personal site uses Google and other’s ad programs, and not theirs?
  2. Account Profiles: I’ve tried many times in the past few months to update my various public profiles. A few years ago they worked, and I had images and info linked to each profile. Out of the blue, Yahoo! switched to a trendy Anime-like design of Ken and Barbie Flash based cut-out characters as choices, and threw out my old image links. Now when I attempt to update or change the images, the system hangs and times out, or gives me a message that they are not ready to accept profile images at this time. Come on Yahoo! dudes! This is basic social networking 101, or website 2.0, I should say.
  3. Hanging Links: My most frequent use of Yahoo is Yahoo!Finance. During the tech bubble, Yahoo’s mix of financial charts, stock information and message boards made for an exciting mix. In the past year, Yahoo!Finance has changed their message boards. For a long time, when you navigated to a board, you lost the navigation menu of the stock and experienced difficulty returning to it. The same for their new beta charts. I wrote toYahoo! about it, and I see navigation is now back to normal on the message boards. If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it!
  4. Yahoo!Mail: I can give credit to Yahoo that its e-mail works, but it is an ugly mess, full of advertising sidebars, spam from Yahoo!Messenger, and an extremely slow response time for scrolling and loading messages. I recently gave up and deleted all my Yahoo inbox messages just to try and make it more usable.
  5. Clutter: The result of trying to be all things for all people is a massive clutter of cramped, competing stuff on main portal entries My Yahoo! page and Yahoo! Home page. Remember the original Yahoo! before all the sneaky slide on ads, when it was just a directory of many categorized web sites, and you could submit yours or others? Very Web 2.0, simple text hyperlinks, and the formula that Yahoo! grew from. Google’s search is still a clean, plain page, mostly text, with some occasional decoration, and it gives the user a focused, reliable experience. Who willingly navigates to a desktop traffic jam?

So here’s my own $0.02 plus, and I have suggestions and solutions for these and other usability problems. I can help Yahoo! clean house, simply for a few left over Semel dollars.


Politics SpinMeister on 29 Jan 2008

Ted Kennedy’s Endorsement Speech for Barack Obama

A truly moving and inspiring speech, and fun too.


Humor SpinMeister on 19 Jan 2008

Here Comes Another Bubble


This video tune was performed at the first 2007 TechCrunch Crunchies: “The 2007 Crunchies is our first annual competition and award ceremony to recognize and celebrate the most compelling startups, internet and technology innovations of the year.”

I can now say that I have worked at two Silicon Valley start-ups and witnessed the hype and the reality. It is a tough way to prototype and serendipity should never be expected.


Internet SpinMeister on 18 Dec 2007

Here’s Eyeballing You, Kid

Eyeballs Emerge from Laptop Screen

The Internet and its millions of searching eyeballs is full of surprises. Today I received an e-mail from a publisher requesting permission to use an image Social Networking developed for this blog in a previous article, Hobnobbery 3.0.

Social Networking version 3

My image will appear in their book, The Emergence of the Relationship Economy. The image (left) shows up on Google “social networking” image searches, and it’s an indicator of a visual theme enjoying some success. They also pitched the idea of using a still from one of my recent eyeball animations to illustrate the not so new concept of “owning eyeballs”, as in media marketing. Get their attention, grab their eyeballs, and then subject them to advertisements, be it television or computers.

The 3D World of the Five Senses

So, who knows? Many of my opportunities spring out of the Internet, whether it is responding to an ad on craigslist.org, posting a resume online, or someone finding me and my work on my web site. Last April I received an inquiry about my animation of the five senses of the human body. This led to a six month production of a new and improved set of narrated animated 3D sequences, “The 3D World of the Five Senses”, to be published by Roadkill Science, a division of Teachers Discovery. Depending upon the success of this first venture with Roadkill, there may be more titles to come.

Meanwhile, despite all the social networking via the Internet, there’s nothing better than real, live parties. This is the end of the year holiday party season, so get out there and meet people and make new friends eyeball to eyeball.

Holiday Party at Harlot

Holiday Party at Harlot with two blonde beauties


Book Review &Media &Movie TV DVD Review SpinMeister on 29 Nov 2007

Holiday Books and DVDs

‘Tis the Season for gift giving, and perhaps a little bit of global, spiritual consciousness in the positive direction. The following is a list of books and DVDs designed to enlighten your friends and family, an update of the list posted well over a year ago on this blog, Education In Terrorism.


Humor &Personal SpinMeister on 21 Nov 2007


Tan Tan Bo by Murakami

It’s been a good year. Thank you to everybody who’s been nice to me…

and for Christmas I’d like a Taser.


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