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Daily ArchiveFriday, January 20th, 2006

General SpinMeister on 20 Jan 2006

Photoshop Lesson

Elephant illustration by Olduvai George

Found an interesting step-by-step instruction for drawing and painting an elephant in Photoshop. It’s a relatively new blog, Olduvai George, by Carl Buell a professional illustrator who specializes in paleontology subjects.  First rate stuff.


Internet &Technology SpinMeister on 20 Jan 2006

Stardust Particle Participation

Stardust spacecraft flying through a cometYou can sign up to look for interstellar particles using an online Virtual Microscope at Stardust@Home.

As well as being the first mission to return samples from a comet, Stardust is the first sample return mission from the Galaxy. But finding the incredibly tiny interstellar dust impacts in the Stardust Interstellar Dust Collector (SIDC) will be extremely difficult.

Volunteers will appear as a co-author on any scientific paper by the Stardust@home collaboration announcing the discovery of the particle.
