Beefheart Fire Party Badge

Beware of Captain Spamheart’s jabbering beefcakes, the shiny beasts of thought! They’re out there. Little Captain Beefheart Trekkie types who discuss WWBD… What Would Beefheart Do?

It’s all at Fireparty, the next best thing to spam, a Beefheart e-mail list server.

Important topics such as whether or not The Beatles and Rolling Stones are up to Beefheartian snuff, music that Beefheart fans like, and does Beefheart give a shit? are all discussed. As Don Van Vliet (aka Captain Beefheart) said, “Someone’s had too much to think!”

Some interesting news does get disseminated, such as bootlegs and a recent Swedish TV interview and performances by Frank Zappa band member Denny Walley and Magic Band members Drumbo, Rockette Morton and Gary Lucas.

Beefheart Painting
