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Photoshop Retouching of Large High Resolution Shrek 2 Image
Roll Mouse Over Image to Toggle Before and After Views

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Photoshop Retouching of Large High Resolution Shrek 2 Image
Roll Mouse Over Image for Before-After Views

Hank's Photoshop Retouching Tips and Tricks
  • Do not paint on the original layer. Save it as your base layer.
  • Create new layers for retouching efforts, create a group for many layers if necessary.
  • Name your layers or groups to stay organized.
  • Use the selection and feathering tools to isolate elements.
  • Most high resolution 3D renderings need work, so do not hesitate to fix with artistic painting.
  • Use the cloning tool brush, to duplicate the grain and nuance from the original image.
  • Take advantage of the "Lighten" and "Darken" brush settings.
  • Use large, soft brushes at under 10% opacity for subtle erasing, lightening, and shading.
  • Be prepared to use Undo and History for multiple undoing.
  • Of course... use a pressure sensitive painting tablet , such as the Wacom.


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